Friday, September 19, 2014

So this week I have been focused on more marketing and getting people interested in coming to look at the venue I want to build, so I am looking for a catchy but understandable name and slogan, I don't want a name or slogan where people say "So what do they do there?" I want it understood its a wedding venue, and I have read that these two things can be a huge part of your business and making good choices are very important on your success, for example a lot of people use their names, but in my case Lawless Wedding Venue would be an example of a bad name idea for a wedding venue! I have found a few sites I wanted to share, the first is a free site that helps you find a slogan : 
 I found a few sites that have companies that for a fee they will help you come up with the perfect slogan and perfect name for your business, but here is one that that's free that will help you find a name:

 So far this is what I have found......

Slogan: Building the future together starts with a perfect  wedding.

Name (s): Innovations Wedding Venue   or  Unity Venue

I am not set on these, still brain storming..... any ideas out there??




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